Back in the USA

The departure was quite sad, but I was ready to head back home. Packed up my mini London life, stuffed it in a suitcase, and finished off my trip with a delicious croissant sandwich. The flight back seemed much longer than the flight there, probably because I stayed awake most of the time. I watched 3 movies, ate a lot of food, and suffered through the turbulance, but overall it was a good flight. Going through customs was fine, but I don’t think I will ever get tired of the feeling I experience when I realize that I am home (by home- I mean America). I always feel this sense of relief and comfort when I get back to the U.S.

It’s been a little over a week since I have been back in New York. I have to say that transitioning from living in London and returning to school 2 days later was a bit tough. No time to relax, and not enough time to prepare, but school started anyway. The cold, ice, and the snow is a bit rude too. Don’t get me wrong, I love snow, but it was so much warmer in London where everything wasn’t covered in a sheet of ice. Today and tomorrow…. more is coming.

So I believe that this concludes it. London has come and gone, and now a new chapter begins. Second semester of grad school here I come!