Footie Ball

Last night I went to a dance club with some friends from RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology). It was the first night that this club was open on a Friday so there were a lot of people there. I met someone from one of my classes at VU (Victoria University). I also ran into someone I knew from a youth organisation I’m volunteering for. I had this moment where I felt really good. Here I am, only been in Australia for roughly two months, and I can run into people I know.

Today I went to the shopping centre up the road to browse in the bookstore; because I love discovering new books to read (even if I have enough on my Kindle to last me a lifetime). After browsing in the bookstore I went to the AFL Store after finding it in the store directory; which are large touch screens. I have wanted to buy an AFL (Aussie Rules Football) ball. So I now have one sitting on the shelf in my room. I want to try finding a book or a website on the rules of the game. I’ve never been into sports, but this will be a way for me to bring a piece of Australia and it’s culture back home with me. A piece that I can share with my friends by teaching them how the game is played instead of just showing them videos.