Australia, the 10,512 Mile Journey

I am beyond excited to be venturing to the other side of the world. I have wanted to go to Australia for as long as I can remember and now it is finally happening. I never thought I would make it this far from home but its really happening! I fly out on February 12th and will be there until early July. But for now comes the boring yet essential stuff… packing! Whenever I am traveling anywhere I make it a point to pack earlier rather than later. I have spent the past month packing here and there to make sure I don’t forget anything.

Not only is this my first time going abroad but the longest I have been on a plane is 3 hours. The flight to Melbourne is 22 hours!! It still feels surreal even after so much planning but I am going to Australia! First in my family but hopefully not the last. I am beyond excited to continue my college adventures abroad and make memories to last a lifetime!

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