
As my time in Cairo is winding down to its last week, the political turmoil which is engulfing the country seems to be increasing day by day. With everything that has happened this semester in Cairo and Egypt I realized that no matter how angry people are or how bad the politics and economy gets, people still must go about their daily lives and they do this with a sense of optimism which is very encouraging and inspirational to watch. It seems no matter how repressive and pessimistic the future might look, the Egyptian people always  move on with an ever endearing passion.
This aspect of turmoil which is part of Egyptians everyday lives has been quite evident during my final exam week here in Cairo because there is nothing like trying to study and take final exams when a country of 90 million people is going to vote on their constitution. Because the national referendum is supposed to held tomorrow (December 15th) the Egyptian government has declared it a national holiday and therefore the AUC campus will be closed and all finals exams will need to be rescheduled, only a couple of days before they were supposed to happen. This caused some frustration with students and teachers alike, but when a country is experiencing such disorder as what is happening now in Egypt such procedure becomes expected and normalized. This past week has been very busy with all of the final exams and papers, but as of Sunday I am done with everything. That leaves me five days to relax and travel around Cairo before I fly back to New York on the 21st and say goodbye to Egypt.

Alexander, a junior, is double majoring in Sociology and International Relations. He is very excited to study in Cairo and learn more about the culture and language.

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