Last week as a Porteña in Buenos Aires !

Little by little the people I have had the great opportunity to meet  in BsAs are going home, and my heart saddens a bit every time. Now my time has arrived, in just a few days I will be saying “hasta luego” to this lovely city I have called home for the past 5 months. Although I am terribly sad to see my time come to an end I will be making the best of the next few days and taking in the culture and people as best as I can. Travelers should always keep in mind, that traveling is NOT for the faint of heart, always keep and open mind and back pack full of emotions. Studying Abroad will get the BEST of you, the STRESS, the FUN, the SADNESS, the overwhelming JOY and finally your heart. Whether you come to enjoy or hate the place you have chosen to study abroad always remind yourself YOU create the experience YOU want to remember. If you don’t like the city you’re living in, remind yourself that no one else can say they’ve had the same opportunity you have or that they’ve been able to sit on their bed wherever you are and cry themselves to sleep. Whatever the case may be always embrace the moment and enjoy every second of it. Now that I have spent all of my money, stayed up late (attempting) reading, ran around the streets after leaving the club, slept in after some long crazy nights, cried about bad grades, meet some wonderful people, chanted “JUNIOR” at a pub, celebrated my 21st birthday and sharing several great experiences with loved ones- I can say I have seriously had the time of my life here in Buenos Aires. Here is to “See you soon’s” to new friends and having a GREAT last week.

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